Sampler Spree

Sampler Spree

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    Rae-Bon Sew & Quilt Shop Polices
     Shipping: 1-3 Business Days

    Indulge your passion for color and fabric with a smorgasbord of blocks to use in a quilt that’s a visual feast. The fun begins with more than 100 beautiful quilt blocks that all finish at 6” square, making them perfect for using scraps and for easy mixing and matching. Whether you prefer traditional or modern, you’ll find so much to love in the varied assortment of block designs. Susan Ache (you may know her as @yardgrl60 on Instagram) shares 50 expert tips throughout, plus step-by-step instructions for making half-square triangles, flying geese, stitch-and-flip corners, and more. Once your tantalizing blocks are stitched, arranging them in the stunning sampler quilt is sheer pleasure!