Jaye Bird Pink Jayes Bouquet


Pink Jayes Bouquet

6.50 6.5 USD 6.50


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    Rae-Bon Sew & Quilt Shop Polices
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    Each print in this collection has a secret meaning. The birds are literal interpretations of my sweet girl's name and all the flowers in the line are from a wedding when she was a flower girl. I, of course, had to incorporate my hand lettering and I left a few blank spaces so you, the maker, can interact with the fabric. Write your own inspiring words and fill in someone's name that makes your life extraordinary. I carefully planned the fabric so you can hand embroider over the writing to highlight the words that speak to you. This whimsically colored collection is sure to spark your creativity and I encourage you to incorporate my favorite Artisan Cottons from Windham. I truly hope your Jaye Bird projects make you and your loved ones smile!"  ~Kori-Turner Goodhart (Mom)

    • 100% Cotton
    • 44/45" Wide